Scientific project
MRM's scientific project is centred on two structuring themes:
- Innovation (players, knowledge and markets): this involves studying innovation strategies and processes, whether technological, organizational, managerial or social. Innovation, as addressed in MRM's research, takes on a particular dimension in a laboratory where entrepreneurship and information systems management are two of the founding historical areas of excellence in Montpellier research. The theme of innovation brings together researchers from different disciplinary research groups around several collective projects: the study of behaviours and logics of actors (the entrepreneur, the innovator or the creator); the role of intangibles, technologies and management tools in relation to knowledge management; financial and accounting dimensions; performance measurement and innovation management; the importance of inter-organizational relations through, in particular, the issues of coopetition and open innovation; questions relating to sustainability and social responsibility...
- Responsible management (institutions and territories). The work of MRM researchers focuses on issues relating to sustainable development and Organizational Social Responsibility (OSR). Responsible management is also addressed through questions of managerial ethics and corporate and organizational governance. Research also focuses on the management of public, non-market organizations, more generally oriented towards missions of general interest, as well as non-governmental, associative, cooperative and mutualist organizations. Institutional dimensions and local issues are given priority in this research, which covers a wide range of topics: responsible marketing, sustainable finance and socially responsible investment, environmental and societal reporting, auditing and steering, localized human resources management, CSR strategies for large companies and SMEs alike, the social and environmental dimensions of information systems, global value chains, environmental management, social innovation and alternative management, etc.
These two themes also correspond to the two main lines of research of Labex "Entreprendre ": Emergence and innovation; Sustainable entrepreneurship. This ensures perfect complementarity and coherence between the work of the research laboratory and that of the Labex.
As a management research laboratory, MRM is firmly established as a research center in tune with its environment and the major economic and societal issues of today and tomorrow. The themes of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as responsible management and sustainable development, represent two major challenges in response to social demand for original insights and relevant solutions to the major economic and societal challenges of today and tomorrow.
The epistemological, theoretical and methodological frameworks used by MRM researchers are highly varied, allowing for a wide range of paradigms and a methodological openness and pluralism that are hallmarks of the laboratory's values.