Strategic Management
The MRM-Strategic Management research group is headed by Anne-Sophie FERNANDEZ and Maya LEROY. Its research focuses on four themes: (1) strategic management of alliances and coopetition; (2) strategic management of innovation; (3) strategic management of the environment; (4) strategic management of supply chains.

Theme 1: Strategic management of alliances and coopetition
Firstly, the MRM-Strategic Management group focuses on inter-organizational strategies, whether between competitors (coopetition) or with other partners (strategic alliances between non-competitors). Indeed, a growing proportion of corporate activities are carried out in cooperation with other, sometimes competing, organizations. The strategic and managerial implications of these coopetition and alliance strategies remain unclear and equivocal. The aim of our research is to understand the determinants of these alliances and coopetition strategies, their different expressions, the associated forms of management, and their performance. This research covers both technological sectors (aerospace, air transport, pharmaceuticals, IT, etc.) and more traditional sectors (tourism, real estate, etc.). Researchers interested in coopetition founded the Coopetition Lab ( and continue to run it on a regular basis.
Theme 2: Strategic innovation management
Coordinator: Pierre Roy (Senior Lecturer at the Montpellier Management Institute, University of Montpellier)
Secondly, the MRM-Strategic Management group's research focuses on the strategic management of innovation. More specifically, the team is interested in managerial innovation in several types of organization: large corporations, SMEs, NGOs, associations, etc. The aim of this work is to understand the determinants of managerial innovation, its modalities and its implications for organizations. The team is also interested in corporate innovation strategies. The aim is to understand the relationship between innovation and business models, the influence of innovation on new management practices, and the impact of innovation on market structures. Particular attention will be paid to green innovations and innovations within the cultural and creative industries.
Theme 3: Strategic environmental management
Coordinator: Maya Leroy (Lecturer-Researcher at AgroParisTech)
Thirdly, the MRM-Strategic Management group is working on strategic environmental management. The aim of this research is to identify the forms of strategic environmental management implemented both in companies and in territorial management systems. The aim is also to analyze the design of strategies by actors specialized in environmental management, and to develop new ways of assessing the ecological performance of management systems and associated policies. It also involves developing theoretical and practical innovations in the field of accounting to equip inter-organizational management of ecological systems, and developing research into environmental foresight. This research is based on socio-anthropological methods and various forms of research-intervention.
Theme 4: Strategic supply chain management
Finally, the MRM-Strategic Management group is developing research into the strategic management of supply chains. The aim is to understand cooperative relationships in supply chains, their determinants, modalities and implications. It also studies the integration of Big Data and digitalization into organizational strategies. At the same time, the impact of digitalization on organizational performance remains a central focus of the group's research. Particular attention is paid to these issues in emerging countries.
The ambition of the MRM-Strategic Management group is to help its researchers publish their research in the best national and international journals.
Permanent members
- BEZ Matilda
- CROUTEIX Orianne
- FERNANDEZ Anne-Sophie
- LE ROY Frédéric
- LEROY Maya
- ROY Pierre
Associate members
- CHERUY Clémence
- ENGSIG Juliane
- GAST Johanna
- GIULIANI Philippe
- GRAVEZ Maxime
- GURAU Calin
- L'ECUYER Catherine
- MICHEL Charlotte
- ROBERT Frank
- ROUYRE Audrey
- VITEL Claudia
Doctoral students
- ARGUDO GUEVERA Nadia Patricia
- CHAPPERT Charlotte
- DO Thuy
- FABRE Marie
Partners :

Events :
- Standing Track ST13_03 CENA - Coopetition, Ecosystems, Networks and Alliances at theEURAM annual conference in Zurich, Switzerland, June 15-17, 2022.
- Doctoral seminar: August 31, 2023
- Standing Track CENA at the EURAM 2024 conference in Bath, England, June 24-28.
Recent publications:
Academic articles
Bagherzadeh, M., Ghaderi, M., & Fernandez, A. S. (2021). "Coopetition for innovation-the more, the better? An empirical study based on preference disaggregation analysis".European Journal of Operational Research (HCERES A, CNRS 1, FNEGE 1).
Chiambaretto, P., Mayenc, E., Chappert, H., Engsig, J., Fernandez, A. S., & Le Roy, F. (2021).Where does flygskam come from? The role of citizens' lack of knowledge of the environmental impact of air transport in explaining the development of flight shame.Journal of Air Transport Management,93, 102049.
Czakon W., Gnyawali D., Le Roy F., Srivastava M. (forthcoming), "Coopetition Strategies: Critical Issues and Thoughts for Moving Forward",Long Range Planning(HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Engsig J., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F. (2018),"Gravity for domestic and international alliances: a CAGE perspective",Management International, Vol. 22, Special Issue, pp. 56-69 (HCERES A, CNRS 3, FNEGE 2).
Fernandez, A. S., Chiambaretto, P., Chauvet, M., & Engsig, J. (2021). "Why do MNEs both make and coopete for innovation?".Technovation,106, 102313 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Fernandez A.-S., Le Roy F., Chiambaretto P. (2018), "Implementing the right project structure to achieve coopetitive innovation projects",Long Range Planning,Vol. 51, n°2, p. 384-405 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Fernandez, A-S., Merieau, D. (2018).La coopétition: une stratégie transitoire ?.Gestion 2000, Vol. 35, n°1, p. 47-69. (HCERES C, FNEGE 4).
Guliani P., Robert M., Le Roy F. (2018), "Reinvention of management innovation for successful implementation",International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 34, n°3, p. 343-361 (HCERES C, FNEGE 4, CNRS 4)
Granata J., Lasch F., Le Roy F., Dana L-P. (2018), "How do micro-firms manage coopetition? A study of the wine sector in France",International Small Business Journal,Vol. 36, 3, pp. 331-355 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Le Roy, F., Bez, S. M., & Gast, J. (2021). " Unpacking the management of Oligo-coopetition strategies in the absence of a moderating third party".Industrial Marketing Management,98, 125-137 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Le Roy F., Robert M., Guliani P. (2018), "The concept of management innovation: definition, state of the art and future research avenues",International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Vol. 35, n°1, p.44-56 (HCERES C, CNRS 4, FNEGE 4).
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Roy P., (2018), " Dynamique de la coopétition commerciale avec appels d'offres : le cas des cabinets d'architectes ",Management International, Vol. 23, N°2, p. 115-126. (HCERES A, CNRS 3, FNEGE 2).
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Le Roy F., Gurau C. (2018), "Managing Selling Coopetition: a case study of the ERP industry",European Management Review, Vol. 15, n°1, p. 37-56 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Pierre, A., Fernandez A-S. (2018), " Capacités dynamiques et innovation en PME : analyse d'un cas d'échec ",Revue Internationale PME, Vol 21., N°3-4, p. 131-165 (CNRS 4, FNEGE 3)
Pierre, A., Fernandez A-S. (2018), "Going deeper into SMEs innovation capacity : An empirical exploration of innovation capacity factors",Journal of innovation economics and management,Vol. 25, N°1, p. 139-181 (CNRS 4, FNEGE 4)
Robert M., Chiambaretto P., Mira B., Le Roy F. (2018), "Better, faster, stronger: the impact of market-oriented coopetition on commercial product performance",M@n@gement,Vol. 21, n°1, p. 574-610 (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2).
Rouyre A., Fernandez A-S., (2019), "Managing Knowledge Sharing-Protecting Tensions in Coupled Innovation Projects among Several Competitors",California Management Review, Vol. 62 n°1, p. 95-120. (HCERES A, FNEGE 2).
Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto P., Le Roy F., Czakon W. (2018), The Routledge companion to coopetition strategies, Routledge, London.
Blavet, E. Pellegrin-Boucher, Le Roy F. (2019), The Alliance Manager in action, EMS.
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Roy P. (2019), Innovation in the cultural and creative industries, ISTE Editions.
Pellegrin-Boucher E., Roy P. (2019), Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries, Wiley-ISTE Editions.