Member - BESSIERE Veronique
University of Montpellier
IAE, Bat 27,
Place Bataillon
34000 Montpellier
Disciplinary Group
Véronique Bessière is Associate Professor of Management Sciences, specializing in finance, at the University of Montpellier (IAE).
recent publications
Bessière, V., Stéphany, E., & Wirtz, P. (2021). "Governance and financing of entrepreneurial firms: new perspectives", Revue Française de Gestion, forthcoming.
Angel Ferrero, M. C., & Bessière, V. (August 2020). Two Sides of the Same Coin: The Effects of Overconfidence on Entrepreneurs' Ability to Innovate. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Angel Ferrero M.C., Bessière V. and Stéphany E. (2017) "Luigi Zingales: Une vision partenariale, politique et sociale de la gouvernance" in Les grands auteurs en finance - 2e édition; directed by Gérard Charreaux and Michel Albouy; Edition EMS; pp 555.
Angel-Ferrero M.C., Bessière V. (2016), "From lab to venture: Cognitive factors influencing researchers' decision to start a venture", Journal of Enterprising Culture, Vol. 24-2, 101- 131.
Bessière, V., & Stéphany, É. (2017). Crowdfunding: Foundations and practices. De Boeck Supérieur.
Bessière, V., & Stéphany, É. (2015). Financing innovation: New theoretical and practical perspectives. De Boeck Supérieur.
functions and research
Director, Scientific Management Department, University of Montpellier
Co-editor of the magazine FCS - Finance Contrôle Stratégie.
Co-responsible for the Master's degree in Innovation Management - IAE.
Co-responsible for the Management, Innovation & Technologies Chair (IAE and Labex Entreprendre, University of Montpellier Foundation)