Member - DEBRAY Caroline



Disciplinary Group 




Caroline DEBRAY is a senior lecturer in management.

recent publications

Paradas, A., Debray, C., Fourcade, C., & Polge, M. (2019). "Influence of representative proximity on gender mix in small craft construction companies." Gestion des Ressources Humaines.

Paradas, A., Revelli, C., & Debray, C. (2017). "Responsible practices of SME managers: influence of the manager's profile." Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat.

Courrent, J.-M., Berger-Douce, S., Debray, C., & Paradas, A. (2014). "The INSEE 2011 CSR survey: an academic rereading of the results relating to SMEs." Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat.

Paradas, A., Debray, C., Revelli, C., & Courrent, J.-M. (2013). "Do women SME managers have specific CSR practices?" Recherches en Sciences de Gestion.

Debray, C. (2012). "Running a hypogroup: changes in management, and modes of control." Travail et Emploi.

Debray, C. (2012). "Managing a hypogroupe: Evolution of the modes of management and controls." Travail et Emploi.

Debray, C. (2012). "Contribution à l'analyse de l'hypogroupe : application d'une grille d'analyse stratégique et émergence de logiques-types du processus d'hypogroupement." Travail et Emploi.


Polge, M., Fourcade, C., Debray, C., & Paradas, A. (2017). Women in business. EMS Editions.

Debray, C., Paradas, A., Courrent, J.-M., & Revelli, C. (2015). Entrepreneures en PME et RSE: Un état des lieux paradoxal. Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Debray, C., Paradas, A., & Torrès, O. (2014). Santé du dirigeant de PME, stress et sentiment de cohérence. L'Harmattan.

functions and research

Her entrepreneurial research focuses on the responsible commitment of SME managers and gender diversity, as well as on the health of SME managers and the feeling of coherence within the Amarok laboratory.


PhD in management science (1994)

University of Montpellier