Member - RODHAIN Florence



Place Eugène Bataillon

34095 Montpellier

Cédex 5


Disciplinary Group 

Information Systems



Florence RODHAIN is University Professor at Polytech, University of Montpellier.


In 2024 (Journals and Book Chapters)

  • RODHAIN Florence (2024), "How do we access knowledge? Quand la quête de la Connaissance de la Connaissance conduit à l'humilité", in honor of Pr Jamil Chaabouniforthcoming.
  • RODHAIN Florence (2024), "La richesse didactique de la critique des quatre préceptes de la méthode de Descartes par Jean-Louis Le Moigne - Un exemple d'application : la " construction des besoins " versus l'analyse des besoins " en informations", Revue Projectiquevol 1, n°37, pp.139-150.

  • FALLERY Bernard and RODHAIN Florence (2024), "La médiation scientifique: passeuse de sciences? Le cas du procès de l'Intelligence Artificielle", Revue MTO Management des Technologies Organisationnellesn°15, pp.12-32
  • FALLERY Bernard, RODHAIN Florence and ZGOULLI Saloua (2024), "La médiation scientifique par le spectacle vivant. Le Bourgeois numérique, Molière 3.0", Revue Management des Technologies Organisationnellesn°16, pp.161-178
  • RODHAIN Florence, FALLERY Bernard and MARIC Josip (2024), "Negative and positive externalities of ICTS - on the pursuit of research based on the principles of trust and responsibility", Trust in Social and Business Relations: Theory and Practicepp. 14-26.
  • LAHMAR Hakim, CHAOUKI Farid and RODHAIN Florence (2024), "In Search of a Consensual Definition of Organizational Spirituality: A Systematic Literature Review and Validation With Managers", Human Systems Management, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-18.
  • BIDAN Marc, FERREBOEUF Hugues, MARRAULD Laurie and RODHAIN Florence (2024), "Le numérique est une industrie de plus en plus lourde", Reflets de la Physique, n°77.
  • GALLOUJ Naïla, GALLOUJ Camal and RODHAIN Florence (2024), "Hospital and retailing. From retailing in hospitals to hospitals in retailing", Revue Européenne d'Économie et Management des Servicesn° 17, pp.1-15.

The new religion of digital: Is digital green?
Florence Rodhain
EMS Editions, 2019

FNEGE label.



Current functions

  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Edgar Morin UNESCO Chair (ENSAM)
  • Founding member of the Chaire Reliance en Complexité alongside Edgar Morin at the University of Montpellier in 2019
  • Member of the IPAG Ethics Committee


  • Equality Officer - University of Montpellier 2 (2011-2012)
  • Director of the CREGOR research laboratory (2011-2013)
  • Director of the MRM-SI research team (2010-2022)
  • Member of the IRD Ethics Committee (2013-2018)


My research in figures

  • 280 scientific publications (articles in journals, books and proceedings of scientific conferences)
  • 32 "classified" items, including 18 "A-rank" items
  • 14 theses supervised and defended (including 8 thesis prizes)
  • 8 directed research contracts
  • 6 Best Paper awards

My research in a few themes

Environment and Society

  • The impact of digital technology on ecosystems

Ethics and fairness at work

  • Respecting privacy with digital tools
  • Gender equality in the workplace

Pedagogical Innovations

  • Self-awareness and communication for ethical management

Health and Well-being at Work

  • The role of Information and Communication Technologies on health and well-being

Latest diplomas

  • PhD en Systèmes d'Information (Université de Montpellier 2, 1997), under the supervision of Pr. Robert Reix
  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (University of Montpellier 2, 2008), with Jean-Louis Le Moigne and Edgar Morin as rapporteur and jury members

International positions

  • Post-doctorate in Information Systems, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Bob Zmud (1997-1998)
  • Visiting professor (Teaching and Research), Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida (1999-2000)
  • Visiting professor (Teaching and Research), Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (2000-2001)
  • Visiting professor (Teaching and Research), Amrita Visha Vidyapeetham, Coïmbatore, India (2008-2009)