Member - VALETTE Justine

Montpellier Management - Espace Richter
Rue Vendémiaire,
34000 Montpellier
Office B431
Disciplinary Group
Justine VALETTE is a lecturer at the University of Montpellier (WOAgri).
recent publications
- Valette, J., Amadieu, P., Sentis, P. (2018), Do cooperatives resist better? A survival analysis of French agricultural cooperatives, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Vol. 21 n°2, pp.1-28 - CNRS 3/ HCERES B
- Valette, J., Amadieu, P., Sentis, P. (2018), Cooperatives versus Corporations: Survival in the French Wine Industry, Journal of Wine Economics, pp. 1-27. - CNRS 3/ HCERES B
- Messeghem K., Lasch F., Valette J., Casanova S., Courrent J-M., Nakara W., Sammut S., Thurik R., Torrès O. (2024), Situation de l'activité entrepreneuriale en France : Rapport 2023/2024 du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, LabEx Entreprendre, Montpellier.
- Messeghem K., Lasch F., Valette J., Casanova S., Courrent J-M., Nakara W., Sammut S.,Thurik R., Torrès O. (2023), Situation de l'activité entrepreneuriale en France : Rapport 2022 du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, LabEx Entreprendre, Montpellier.
- Messeghem K., Lasch F., Valette J., Casanova S., Courrent J-M., Nakara W., Sammut S., Thurik R., Torrès O. & Boumedjaoud D., (2022), Situation de l'activité entrepreneuriale en France : Rapport 2020-2021 du Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, LabEx Entreprendre, Montpellier.
- Amadieu P. and Valette J. (2021). Pérennité des coopératives vitivinicoles, Management et marketing du vin: opportunités pour les entreprises et enjeux pour la filière, ISTE Editions.
- Amadieu P., Valette J. (2020), Sustainability of Wine Cooperatives, in Wine Management and Marketing, Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the Industry, ISTE - Wiley, pp.149-160.
functions and research
Functions :
- Master 1 Global Wealth Management
- Master 1 Gestion de Patrimoine et Patrimoine Professionnel
Research :
- Cooperatives and their ability to withstand crises
- Entrepreneurship in the agricultural and viticultural sector
PhD in Management Sciences (University of Montpellier, 2017)
Higher Diploma in Accounting and Management (2016)