Member - FERNANDEZ Anne-Sophie

Montpellier Management
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Anne-Sophie FERNANDEZ is University Professor of Strategic Management at the Montpellier Management Institute (MOMA).
recent publications
- Farazi, M. S., Chiambaretto, P., Fernandez, A. S., & Gopalakrishnan, S. (2024). Unbundling the impact of current and future competition on cooperation in coopetition projects for innovation. Research Policy, 53(6), 105017.
- - Chappert, C., Fernandez, A. S., & Pierre, A. (2024). Corporation-start-up collaboration: how can the tensions stemming from asymmetries be managed? Industry and Innovation, 31(5), 666-693.
- - Chappert, H., Chambiaretto, P., Fernandez, A. S., & Djamen, R. (2024). "Us Versus Them: The impact of homophily and trust in partner selection and cooperation intensity in coopetitive agreements. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, (NS-14).
- - Rouyre, A., Fernandez, A. S., & Bruyaka, O. (2024). Big problems require large collective actions: Managing multilateral coopetition in strategic innovation networks. Technovation, 132, 102968.
- - Rouyre, A., Fernandez, A. S., & Estrada, I. (2024). Co-evolution of governance mechanisms and coopetition in public-private projects. Journal of Operations Management, 70(1), 50-79.
- - Séran, T., Fernandez, A. S., & Chappert, H. (2023). Managing coopetition in multi-unit organizations: a management-control perspective. Review of Managerial Science, 1-36.
- Bagherzadeh, M., Ghaderi, M., & Fernandez, A. S. (2021). Coopetition for innovation-the more, the better? An empirical study based on preference disaggregation analysis. European Journal of Operational Research. Vol. 297, n°2, p. 695-708 (FNEGE 1 - CNRS 1)
- Fernandez, A. S., Chiambaretto, P., Chauvet, M., & Engsig, J. (2021). Why do MNEs both make and coopete for innovation?. Technovation, 106, 102313. (FNEGE 2 - CNRS 2)
- Chiambaretto, P., Bengtsson, M., Fernandez A-S., Näsholm, M. (2020), Small and large firms' trade-off between benefits and risks when choosing a coopetitor for innovation, Long Range Planning, Vol. 53, N° 1, p. 101876 (FNEGE 2 - CNRS 2)
- Rouyre, A., Fernandez, A-S. (2019), Managing knowledge sharing-protecting tensions in coupled innovation projects among several competitors. California Management Review, Vol. 62, N°1, p. 95-120. (FNEGE 2 - CNRS 2); 11th FNEGE Syntec Academic Prize for Management Research, theme reinventing management.
- Fernandez, A-S., Merieau, D. (2018). Coopetition: a transitional strategy? Gestion 2000, Vol. 35, N°1, p. 47-69. (FNEGE 4 - CNRS 4)
- Le Roy, F., Fernandez, A. S., & Chiambaretto, P. (2024). L'avantage coopétitif: faire de la coopétition une stratégie gagnante. Éditions EMS.
- Chiambaretto P., Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F. (2019). La coopétition ou l'art de coopérer avec ses concurrents, In Liarté S. (Eds), Les Grands courants en Management Stratégique, EMS, chap. 10, p. 281-312.
- Chiambaretto P., Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F. (2019). Maria Bengtsson, When the partner is also the adversary: the strategies and management of coopetition, In Tellier A., Loilier, T. (Eds), Les Grands Auteurs en Management Stratégique, EMS, chap. 27, pp. 499-513.
- Fernandez A-S., Le Roy F., (2018), The rise of the coopetitive project team, In A-S. Fernandez, P. Chiambaretto, F. Le Roy, & W. Czakon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies. Abingdon: Routledge, chap. 17, p. 188-197.
- Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto, P., (2018), Coopetitive portfolios, In A-S. Fernandez, P. Chiambaretto, F. Le Roy, & W. Czakon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies. Abingdon: Routledge, chap. 21, pp. 224-235.
- Fernandez A-S., Chiambaretto, P., Le Roy F., (2018), From strategizing coopetition to managing coopetition, In A-S. Fernandez, P. Chiambaretto, F. Le Roy, & W. Czakon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies. Abingdon: Routledge, chap. 3, p. 36-47.
functions and research
Master 1 Strat'Innov (Strategy Innovation Consulting) and Master 1 and 2 Strat'Innov in E-Learning.
His research focuses on alliances and coopetition.
Co-editor-in-chief of Management magazine.
Associate Editor of South Asian Journal of Business Studies.
Member of the editorial board of Long Range Planning.
Development Chair of the Strategic Management SIG at EURAM.
Chair of the CENA standing track at EURAM.
PhD in management sciences (2007).
Habilitation to supervise research (2016).