Member - RIVIERE-GIORDANO Geraldine


Montpellier Management

Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire

34 000 Montpellier

Office B421


Disciplinary Group 

Accounting and Company



Geraldine RIVIERE-GIORDANO is Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting at the University of Montpellier (WOAgri).

  • Garcia-Torea N., Giordano-Spring S., Larrinaga C., and Rivière-Giordano G. (2021). Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances: An Empirical Analysis in the EU ETS Phase 3. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, pages 1-23, HCERES C FNEGE 4 CNRS 4
  • Chapellier P., Gillet- Monjarret C. and Rivière-Giordano G. (2021), "Dynamique RSE en cabinet d'expertise comptable et accompagnement auprès des clients", Revue Management et Avenir, n°122, pp.63-87 HCERES B CNRS 4 FNEGE 3
  • Martinez I., Gillet-Monjarret C., Rivière-Giordano G. (2021), "The Role and Effectiveness of Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance in a Mandatory Setting: Professional Accountants' Perceptions", M@n@gement, vol. 24, n°1, pp.59-79 HCERES A CNRS 2 FNEGE 2
  • Rivière-Giordano G., Giordano-Spring S., Cho C.H. (2018), Does the level of assurance statement on environmental disclosure affect investor assessment? An experimental study, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ), 9 (3): 336-360. HCERES C/ CNRS 3/ FNEGE 4
  • Gillet-Monjarret C., Rivière-Giordano G. (2017), La vérification sociétale: une revue de la littérature, Revue Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit (CCA), Tome 23, vol.2, 11-62. CNRS 2
  • Chapellier P., Gillet-Monjarret C., Rivière-Giordano G. 2018. Implementing a CSR policy in SMEs: The role of chartered accountants, in Comptabilité et Société, Editions EMS.
  • Giordano-Spring S., Rivière-Giordano G. 2018. International regulation of carbon accounting: a stalled process? In Giordano-Spring S., Naro G. (Eds.), Reporting, Innovations et Société, Editions EMS, Paris.

Functions :

  • Co-responsibility for MOMA's Bachelor's degree program (Since 2021)
  • Head of L3CF (Since 2018)
  • Co-Head of MOMA's Licensing Department (Since 2018)
  • Head of L3 International Management (2014 - 2018)

Research :

  • Social reporting
  • Social audit
  • Adapting the accounting profession to CSR
  • Carbon accounting
  • Habilitation to direct research (2021)
  • PhD in Management Sciences (2007)
  • AGREGATION in economics and management, accounting and financial management option (2005)
  • D.E.S.C.F - Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Comptables et Financières (2004)