Member - COHARD Philippe


Montpellier Management

Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire

34 000 Montpellier

Office B405


Disciplinary Group 

Information Systems



Philippe COHARD is Senior Lecturer at the University of Montpellier.         

recent publications

Cohard P., Messeghem K. (2022), "A Measurement Scale for Agile Orientation",Systèmes d'information et management, Vol 27, N°1, p.39-66. (HCERES A, CNRS 2, FNEGE 2)

Cohard P., Bories-Azeau I. (2021), Caractérisation des innovations managériales dans les collectivités territoriales: Gestion et Management Public, 9(2), 57-77.(HCERES B, FNEGE 3)

Cohard P. (2021), Simulation and project planning: a Design Science approach. Management & Data Science, Vol. 5, N°5.

Cohard P. (2020), Information Systems Values: A Study of the Intranet in Three French Higher Education Institutions, Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation, Academic Conferences and Publishing International (HCERES C)

Cohard P., Messeghem K. (2020), Agilité et innovation, Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, Presses des Mines, Vol 10, p. 58-70.


Cohard P. (2019), Information systems security: Issues, vulnerabilities and tools. In G. N'Goala, V. Pez-Pérard, & I. Prim-Allaz (Eds.), Augmented customer strategy (pp. 275-289). London: ISTE.Ouvrage labellisé FNEGE.

Cohard P. (2019), Information systems security: challenges, vulnerabilities and tools, . In G. N'Goala, V. Pez-Pérard, & I. Prim-Allaz (Eds.), Augmented Customer Strategy (pp. 257-270). London: Willey-ISTE.

functions and research

Senior lecturer at the University of Montpellier, co-director of the master's degree in project management at the Montpellier Management Institute.

Member of the MRM laboratory and Labex entreprendre.

His research interests include Serious Games, information systems design and evaluation, and social media monitoring.
