Member - YOUSFI Ouidad

IUT de Montpellier, GEA Department
99, avenue d'Occitanie
34296, Montpellier
Cedex 5
Disciplinary Group
Ouidad YOUSFI is Senior Lecturer in Finance at the University of Montpellier.
recent publications
- Mbarek, I.; Yousfi, O.; Omri A. (2022), CSR and Corporate Lobbying from an environmental perspective, in Open Access book "Corporate Social Responsibility" ISBN 978-1-80356-165-3, edition IntechOpen.
- El Kateb, M.; Yousfi, O.; Omri. A (2022), Rethink CSR stategies in the era of COVID-19, in Open Access book "Corporate sOCIAL responsibility" isbn 978-1-80356-165-3, IntechOpen edition.
- Yousfi, O. (2021) The virus mutates? Les innovations managériales dans l'ouvrage collectif " crise pandémique. Dangers and opportunities for innovation. Itinerances en période trouble (200-2021)", edited by Dimitri Uzundis and Laurent Adatto, RRI.
- Attia, M.; Yousfi, O.; Omri, A. (2020) Does board structure matter for innovation?, Handbook Financial and economic systems: Transformations & New Challenges is now in production, Chapter (14), Edition World Scientific Publishing Company, 0014
- Beji, R., Yousfi, O. ; Omri, A. (2020). The Governance of CSR, Handbook on Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: A cognitive approach. Handbook Financial and Economic Systems: Transformations & New Challenges, Edition World Scientific Publisher
- Yousfi, O ; Béji, R. (2020). Corporate Social Responsibility: What does diversity bring to the table? in Open Access book, "Corporate Social Responsibility" edited by Prof. Beatrice Orlando, published by IntechOpen.
- Hloui, Z. ; Yousfi, O. (2020). CSR and Innovation: two sides of the same coin, in Open Access book "Corporate Social Responsibility" edited by Prof. Beatrice Orlando, IntechOpen edition.
- Yousfi, O.; Loukil, N. (2020). Why should firms achieve strategic CSR?", in the collective work "Local Governance and Regional Development: current perspectives, Lang and Peters, edited by Dr. Fatih Ayhan.
Chapter 9. L'attribution de sens lors des transitions professionnelles, clé d'ajustement de l'employabilité par un travail identitaire stimulé
Dominique Lecerf, Saloua Zgoulli
In Le sens au travail. EMS Editions, 2022, pp. 189-208.
functions and research
- Innovation
- Governance
- Board diversity
- Social and environmental responsibility
- Director of the GC2F apprenticeship program, IUT de Montpellier-Sète
- Members of the editorial boards of the journals Machés et Organisations and European Business and Management
- Member of the RRI, ATINER and EBES networks
- Member of the Social and Sustainable Finance Chair at MBS
- January 2015: Habilitation to direct research, "Marché et Individu: vers une approche plus hétérogène", University of Montpellier.
- January 2009: Thesis in management science, "L'asymétrie d'information dans le financement des rachats LBO", University of Paris X Nanterre.
- December 2003: DEA in Mathematics Applied to Economics (MASE), University of Paris IX Dauphine.
- June 2002: Master's degree in Applied Statistics, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Sousse
- June 2000: DEUG in Quantitative Economics and Management.
- June 1998: Baccalauréat, mathematics option.