Member - GEORGESCU Irene


Montpellier Management

Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire

34 000 Montpellier

Office B516


Disciplinary Group 

Accounting and Company

Transversal axis 

Health Management



Irene GEORGESCU is Professor at the Montpellier Management Institute, University of Montpellier.

recent publications
  • Bez, S. M., Georgescu, I., & Farazi, M. S. (2022). TripAdvisor of healthcare: Opportunities for value creation through patient feedback platforms. Technovation,
  • Morinière, A., Georgescu, I. (2021). "Hybridity and the use of performance measurement: facilitating compromises or creating moral struggles? Insights from healthcare organizations". Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; 35 (3), 801-829 (rank 2 CNRS)
  • Grima, F., Georgescu, I., & Prud'Homme, L. (2020). How physicians cope with extreme overwork: an exploratory study of French public-sector healthcare professionals. Public Management Review, 22(1), 27-47 rang 2 CNRS
  • Georgescu, I., & Mazouz, B. (2020). Managing territorial innovations in the light of public performance imperatives. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, (NS-7) rank 3 CNRS
  • Commeiras, N., Eggrickx, A., & Georgescu, I. (2019). Change, uncertainty and quality of life at work: The case of a grouping of medical biology laboratories. @ GRH, (2), 35-63.
  • Georgescu, I., Augé, B., Grima, F. and Naro, G. (2018). Feedback focused on one facet of performance and internal financial pressure in the context of completing a complex task: a study in French public hospitals. Management International, 2(3), p. 39-50 -CNRS 3
  • Grima, F, Brunel, O. Georgescu I. and Taphanel L. (2018) "Antecedents and effectiveness of conflict mediation strategies: the case of presidents of joint industrial committees in France" Relations industrielles 73 (3), p.461-485 - CNRS 3
  • Grima, F., Georgescu, I.(2022). Un panorama de la face sombre de la motivation de service public: effets inattendus sur les attitudes et comportements individuels, in La disputatio au Coeur du management-Débats et controverses. Editions PUP, Travail et Gouvernance collection.
  • Barreda, M., Georgescu, I.,Le Ludec, T,Mercier, G., Nagot, N (2022). Slack(s), climate risks and healthcare organizations: what research perspectives. In Reporting et Pilotage des organisaitons pour une société résiliente. Editions Management et Société (EMS).
  • Barreda, M., Georgescu, I., Augé, B & Vernhet, A. (2018). Des illusions et désillusions de la mesure : le cas du secteur hospitalier, in Comptabilités et Société - Entre représentation et construction du Monde, Editions Management et Société (EMS), collection Gestion en liberté.
  • Augé, B, Georgescu, I., Naro, G. & Vernhet Alexandre (2018). Hospitals and universities in the age of reporting, in Mélanges en l'honneur de Monique Lacroix, EMS.
  • Georgescu I. (2015). Module 2201. Management accounting, DUT TC 1ère année. Dunod.
  • Georgescu I. (2015). Module 3105. Financial and budgetary management, DUT TC 2nd year. Dunod.
functions and research

She is responsible for the Innov'Ere Santé Chair.  

His research focuses on performance measurement and its effects on individual attitudes and behaviors, particularly in the field of health. 


PhD in Management Sciences - ISEM - UM (2009)