Member - HOUZE Emmanuel

IAE Montpellier
Building 29
Place Eugène Bataillon
34 095 Montpellier
Disciplinary Group
Emmanuel HOUZE has been Director of IAE since September 2021.
recent publications
- Meissonier R., Houzé E., Bessière V. (2013), "Cross-Cultural Frictions in Information System Management: Research Perspectives on ERP Implementation Misfits in Thailand", International Business Research, vol. 6, no. 2
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., (2010), "Toward an 'IT Conflict-Resistance Theory': Action Research during IT Pre-Implementation", European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 15, n°5, pp. 540-561
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., Bourdon I.,Amabile S., Boudrandi S. (2010), "Comprendre les motivations des développeurs de l'open source à partir de leur participation", Systèmes d'Information et Management, vol. 15, n°2, pp. 71-97
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., Belbaly N. (2007), " L'évolution de la résistance des acteurs dans un projet d'implantation de technologies de l'information : cas d'une PME française du secteur des hautes technologies ", Revue Internationale de Gestion, vol. 32, n°1, pp. 20-28
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., Benbya H., Belbaly N. (2006), "Performance Factors of a Full Distance Learning: The Case of Undergraduate Students in Academic Exchange", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 18, n°12, pp. 239-258
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., " Performance du E-Learning : de l'amélioration des résultats de l'apprenant à la prise en compte des enjeux institutionnels ", Systèmes d'Information et Management, vol. 10, n°4, pp. 87-112
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., Belbaly N., "The IT Culture as an Obstacle to the Adoption of an ERP", in Advances in Information Systems Development. New Methods and Practice for the Networked Society, Magyar Gabor, Wojtkowski Wita, Wojtkowski W. Gregory, Zupancic Joze, Springer, pp. 279-289
- Houzé E., Meissonier R., Belbaly N., "Resistance User Evolution during IT Project: A Longitudinal Analysis of a French High-Tech SME", in Information Systems and Collaboration: State of the Art and Perspectives, Feltz Fernand, Otjacques Benoît, Oberweis Andreas, Poussing Nicolas, GI-Edition, pp. 318-329
functions and research
- Head of Academic Partnerships at IAE Montpellier
- Deputy Director of IAE Montpellier (2011-2016)
- Deputy Director of the Research Laboratory
- Member of the Board of IAE Montpellier (since 2005)
- Member of the CEVU, University of Montpellier (2008-2012)
- Elected member of the CNU de Gestion (2011-2015)
- Expert for Academic Relations France-Philippines (since 2015)
- Information technologies: appropriation, structurationism, sociomateriality.
- Information systems: ERP project legitimization, organizational culture.
- Internationalization: Creation of double degrees, international accreditation (EPAS).
University of Montpellier. 2016. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), Management Sciences.
Burapha University. 2016. PhD Honoris Causa in Management.
Université Montpellier 2. 2000. PhD in Management Sciences.
University of Montpellier I. 1996. DEA (Master's degree) in Management.
University of Montpellier I. 1995. Master's degree in Economics and Business Management.
University of Montpellier. 1994. Degree in Economics and Business Management.