Member - MIONE Anne


Montpellier Management

Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire

34 000 Montpellier

Office B424


Disciplinary Group 




Anne MIONE is Professor at the University of Montpellier.    

  • Guillot, R., Aubert, M. & Mione, A. (2022). Digital sales platforms: what opportunity(ies) for producers?. Enjeux numériques - série Annales des Mines, September, forthcoming9999333333re.
  • Mione A., Nicolosi A. Robert F (2020), La longévité des alliances entre concurrents; le rôle clé de la symétrie entre les partenaires, Revue Française de Gestion, 46 (290), pp.47-70.
  • Nicolosi A., Mione A. & Robert F. (2020) The longevity of alliances between competitors: the key role of symmetry between partners. Revue Française de Gestion, 290: 47-70.
  • Messara N Mione A (2019), Negative Word of Mouth and its transmission on Online Social Network: the determining role of the seeding population, Perspective on Culture, 27(4): 127-151.
  • Charleux, A., & Mione, A. (2018). Les business modèles de l'édition open source: le cas des logiciels-Open source editing business models: the case of software. Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 21(2), 65-84. 3/3/B
  • Mione, A (2018) Coopetition and standardization, In A.-S. Fernandez, P. Chiambaretto, F. Le Roy, W. Czakon (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Coopetition Strategies. Routledge: Oxford, UK
  • Benmeziane K and Mione A (2018), Platform leaders and complementors' strategic Management of standards: Cases for Complex Products and Systems, in Corporate and Global Standardization initiatives in Contemporary Society, Kai Jakobs (eds).
  • Allamano, R. and Mione, A. (2017), Comment l'évolution des pratiques peut genrer une activité ; le cas du skateboard in " Femmes dans l'entreprise " (Polge M.; Fourcade C., Debray C. et Paradas A., eds), EMS Management et Société
  • Mione A. (2016), "Puissance et impuissance des normes techniques" in "Puissances de la norme" Le Goff Y. and Onnée S. (eds), EMS, p. 124- 138.
  • Mione A. (2016), "Entre orthogonalité et souplesse, le modèle PLD ; Hommage à Pierre Louis Dubois", in "Generation Marketing et sciences de gestion ; Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur Pierre-Louis Dubois", Des Garets V and Fournier C. (eds), Etudes,*
  • Jakobs K, Mione, A, Cutting-Decelle A.F, Mignon S (2016) "Co-opetition and open innovation" "21st EURAS (European Academy on Standardization) Annual Standardisation Conference: proceedings, Verlagshaus Mainz GmbH Aachen,
  • Benmeziane, K. and Mione, A. (2015) "Standards Roles in Hacklin's Strategic Model, in Enterprise Interoperability" ,M. Lauras, M. Zelm, B. Archimède, F. Bénaben and G. Doumeingts( eds), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA. doi: 10.1002/9781119081418.ch36
  • Mione, A. and Dubois, P-L. (2015), "La norme comme forme et les paradoxes associés", in "Entre simplification et complexification; Quelles représentations des systèmes de gestion - Mélanges en l'honneur du Professeur, Yves Dupuy" Naro, G and Travaillé, D.

Functions :

  • Co-director of the Responsible Marketing and Wellness Chair.
  • Co-director of the Master in Distribution Management.
  • Co-Head of the Management specialization.

His research focuses on :

  • Standards and certifications.
  • Corporate strategies.
  • The impact of standards.

Agrégation des universités.
Habilitation to direct research.
PhD in Management Sciences.