Member - CASANOVA Sophie


Montpellier Management -

Espace Richter, Rue Vendémiaire

34000 Montpellier

Office: B407


Disciplinary Group 




Sophie CASANOVA Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Institut Montpellier Management.       

recent publications

Bakkali C., Maurice J., Casanova S. (2022), The Influence of Comprehensive PMS, Market Orientation and Entrepreneurial Orientation on SME Performance, 66th ICSB World Congress, Washington DC, july 5-8.

Casanova (Sophie), BakkalI (Chaffik), Tang (Jintong), Entrepreneurial alertness and entrepreneurial orientation: contributions to opportunity identification, Accepted for presentation at 2020 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Knoxville, TN.

Casanova S., Messeghem K., Sammut S., (2019), Idealtype de l'émergence collective des opportunités d'affaires sous l'angle intersubjectif, Management International, 23 (3), pp.106-117.

Casanova S., Messeghem K., Sammut S., (2017), Les pôles de compétitivité: un réseau particulier à l'usage des PME, Entreprendre & Innover, 35 (4), pp.19.


functions and research

She is in charge of teaching the business creation and takeover professional degree at Montpellier Management, University of Montpellier. She is also an elected member of the Montpellier Management Institute Council and a member of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) France team.

His research focuses on the identification of business opportunities within innovation networks and on the mechanisms at work within business transfer-takeover operations.


Bachelor's degree in economics and social sciences (2005-2009)

University of Montpellier 

Master 1 Organization and Strategy (2009-2010)

University of Montpellier 

Master 2 Management of SME transfers (2010-2011)

University of Montpellier 

PhD in Management Sciences, Entrepreneurship (2016)