Member - TORRES Olivier

Montpellier Management
Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire
34 000 Montpellier
Office B411
Disciplinary Group
Olivier TORRÈS is a University Professor.
- MUKERJEE J. THURIK R, TORRES O, WISMANS A, (2023), "Measuring organizational play in small businesses",Management Review Quarterly, 1-34, DOI 10.1007/s11301-023-00363-3.
- THURIK R, BENZARI A, FISCH C, MUKERJEE J, TORRES O, (2023), Techno-overload and well-being of French small business owners: identifying the flipside of digital technologies Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 36:1-2, 136-161, DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2023.2165713. *
- TORRES O, GUILIANI F, THURIK R, (2022), "Entrepreneurship and health: an existential perspective", Revue d'Entrepreneuriat, Hors Série 2, Vol. 21, pp. 11-32.*
- Finally, I'd like to mention that my HDR was defended under the supervision of Patrick JOFFRE.
- Annelot Wismans, Peter van der Zwan, Karl Wennberg, Ingmar Franken, Jinia Mukerjee, Rui Baptista, Jorge Barrientos Marín, Andrew Burke, Marcus Dejardin, Frank Janssen, Srebrenka Letina, José María Millán, Enrico Santarelli, Olivier Torrès, Roy Thurik (2022), "Face Mask Use Motives of Students during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Egoistic, Altruistic or Rule Abiding?", BMC (BioMedCentral) Public Health.
- Stephan, U., P. Zbierowski, A. Pérez-Luño, A. Klausen, M. A., Cabañas, E. Barki, A. Benzari, C. Bernhard-Oettel, J. Boekhorst, A. Dash, A. Efendic, C. Eib, P-J. Hanard, M. Holienka, T. Iakovleva, S. Kawakatsu, S. Khalid, Z. Kovacicová, M. Leatherbee, J. Li, S. K. Parker, J. Qu, F. Rosati, S. Sahasranamam, M. A. Y. Salusse, T. Sekiguchi, N. Thomas, O. Torrès, M. Hoang Tran, D. Wach, M. K. Ward, J. Wiklund, A. J. Williamson, and M. Zahid, (forthcoming), "Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic", Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice,
- Bah T, Kinowski-Moysan C, Torrès O, Gaillon D (forthcoming), "Essai typologique du sens et des causes du suicide des dirigeants-propriétaires de PME en France et en Italie", Revue Internationale PME.
- Benzari A, Khedhaouria A, Torrès O, Cucchi A (forthcoming), "The impact of technostress on small-business owners' burnout: The mediating role of strain", International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business.
- Torres O., Benzari A., Swalhi A., and Thurik R. (2021) Confinement et risque de burnout des dirigeants-propriétaires de PME : le syndrome d'épuisement d'empêchement , Revue Internationale PME (RIPME), Vol. 34, n°2, pp.62-80.
- Torrès, O., Benzari, A., Fisch, C.H., Mukerjee, J., Swalhi, A. and Thurik, R. (2022) Risk of burnout in French entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 crisis. Small Business Economics, Vol. 58, pp. 717-739.
- TORRES O. and C. MOYSAN, (2019) "Les risques psychosociaux en entreprise : le cas des dirigeants", pp. 201-211 in BAHUON A.P and J.J. PLUCHART (coordinated by), Transformation des entreprises, Les métiers du conseil, chiffre et du droit à l'ère phygitale, Editions Vuibert, 250p.
- TORRES O. (2018), "Quelques réflexions sur l'inaudible et inavouable souffrance patronale et la (mauvaise) santé mentale des chefs d'entreprise", in La souffrance de l'entrepreneur - Comprendre pour agir et prévenir le suicide, (DS) BINNIE M, DOUILLARD J.L. et M. FEVRE, Presses de l'EHESP, 344p.
- TORRES O. (2017), "Les PME, Tiers Etat permanent", pp. 58-70 in Sociétal (under the dir. of Jean Marc DANIEL and Frédéric MONLOUIS FELICITE), Eyrolles.
- LECHAT T. & O. TORRES (2016), "Exploring the negative affective events of the entrepreneurial activity: Their experience on emotional stress and contribution to burnout risk", pp.69-99 in Emotions and Organizational Governance - Research on Emotion in Organizations (DS. ASHKANASY N.M. HARTEL C.H.J., ZERBE W.J.), vol. 12, Emerald, Bingley, 475p.
- MESSEGHEM K. and O. TORRES (2015), "Entrepreneuriat et PME: de la connaissance à la reconnaissance d'une discipline", p.5-26 in Les grands auteurs en Entrepreneuriat et PME, Editions EMS, 496p.
- SCHMITT C. and O. TORRES (2015), "Pierre-André Julien: De la spécificité des PME à la complexité de l'entrepreneuriat", p. 327-349 in Les grands auteurs en Entrepreneuriat et PME, Editions EMS, 496p
Functions :
- Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of LABEX Entreprendre.
- Chairman of the MBS Scientific Integrity Committee.
- Founder of Amarok - Institut de la santé des entrepreneurs - member of Portail du Rebond.
- Member of the France team of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM).
- Head of Master 1 & 2 International Management of SMEs.
Research :
His research focuses on the health of entrepreneurs (shopkeepers, craftsmen, self-employed professionals, farmers, managers of very small businesses).
- PhD en Sciences de gestion under the supervision of Michel MARCHESNAY (1997).
- Habilitation to direct research in Management Sciences under the supervision of Patrick JOFFRE (2004).