Member - RODHAIN Angelique
Angélique RODHAIN is a senior lecturer in management at the IUT de Montpellier-Sète.
Garcia K., Rodhain A., Gourmelen A. and Masson J. (2024), L'accessibilité alimentaire: Une approche par l'expérience vécue des étudiants décohabitants, Marketing Research and Applications, forthcoming.
Van Beekum M., Shankland R., Rodhain A., Robert M., Marchand C., Herry A., Prioux C., Touvier M., Barday M., Turgon R., Avignon A., Leys C. and Péneau S. (2024), Development and validation of the mindful eating scale (Mind-Eat Scale) in a general population, Appetite, 199, august, 107398
Segmenting students on the basis of their dietary balance and level of culinary preparation for better support on campus
Andréa Gourmelen, Angélique Rodhain, Josselin Masson
In Décisions Marketing 2022/4 (N° 108)
Parenting: Towards a work-life articulation model of women entrepreneurs
Angélique Rodhain, Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Anne-Laurence Lafont, Florence Rodhain
In Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat / Review of Entrepreneurship 2020/3 (Vol. 19)
Rodhain A. and Fargier A. (2020), Le choix du collège : vers un empowerment de la famille?, Carnets de Consommation, 4.
Belghiti-Mahut S., Lafont A.-L., Rodhain A. and Rodhain F. (2020), Women's entrepreneurial narrative: making sense of the partner's role, International Journal of Sustainable Society, 12,1, 19-35.
Consumer-friendly CSR information: from its necessity to the conditions for its use
Anne-Laurence Lafont, Angélique Rodhain
In La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 2019/5-6 (No. 299-300)
Garcia-Granata K., Aurier P. and Rodhain A. (2019), Co-creating a wine: A dyadic approach to consumer experiential value and SME value creation, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 36, 3, 274-291
Rodhain A. and Gourmelen A. (2018), Obesity: the link between stigma and perceived responsibility, Journal of Marketing Management, 34, 15/16, 1418-1439
CSR and stakeholder networks: can an informational standard emerge?
Anne-Laurence Lafont, Jérôme Pouget, Angélique Rodhain
In Revue de l'organisation responsable 2017/2 (Vol. 12)
ICT and/or sustainable development: the ecological paradox experienced by users
Angélique Rodhain, Florence Rodhain, Bernard Fallery, Jérôme Galy
In Annales des Mines - Gérer & comprendre 2017/2 (N° 128)
Nicolas-Hémar V. and Rodhain A. (2017), Brands as social and cultural resources in children's peer culture,Consumption, Market and Culture, 20, 3, 193-214
Rodhain A. and Aurier P. (2016), The Child-Brand Relationship: Social Interactions Matter, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 25, 1, 84-97
Gender and the frugal innovator: 4 cases of women innovators
Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Anne-Laurence Lafont, Angélique Rodhain, Florence Rodhain, Leila Temri, Ouidad Yousfi
In Innovations 2016/3 (No. 51)
Rapport au corps et engagement dans les activités physiques chez les personnes en situation d'obésité
Anne Marcellini, Éric Perera, Angélique Rodhain, Sylvain Ferez
Dans Santé Publique 2016/HS (S1)
When women at the top tell their stories
Women at the top and leadership
Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Anne-Laurence Lafont, Angélique Rodhain, Florence Rodhain
In @GRH 2014/1 (No. 10)
"I'd like to, but I can't..."exploring the gap between attitude and behavior in alternative consumption
Angélique Rodhain
In Management & Avenir 2013/3 (N° 61)
Pour une éthique des sciences du management : Formation à la connaissance de soi
Florence Rodhain, Angélique Rodhain
In La Revue des Sciences de Gestion 2012/1 (n° 253)
Garcia K., Gourmelen A. and Rodhain A. (2024), Se nourrir: comment rendre un environnement alimentaire intelligent? Le cas de Montpellier, in Villes intelligentes, vies intelligentes, coordinated by G. N'Goala, F. Paulhiac-Scherrer and F. Durif, Editions ISTE, 130-148.
Pour un marketing responsable à destination de l'enfant
Karine Charry, Valérie Hémar-Nicolas, Angélique Rodhain
In Kids marketing
EMS Editions, 2021
Devenir une femme leader: quand des femmes au sommet se racontent
Sophia Belghiti-Mahut, Anne-Laurence Lafont, Angélique Rodhain, Florence Rodhain
Dans Le Leadership
Vuibert, 2016
Direct observation
Angélique Rodhain
In Search of the Consumer
Dunod, 2008
In France, advertising is forbidden on school premises
Angélique Rodhain
In Petit bréviaire des idées reçues en management
La Découverte, 2008
Functions :
- Co-responsible for MRM's Management and Responsible Practices axis.
- Co-holder of the Ecocirculab Chair.
Research :
- Circular economy
- Diet, Obesity and Mindfulness
- Gaps between Responsible Consumption Attitudes and Behaviors
- Children and Brands
- Careers for Women Entrepreneurs
- A Critical Perspective on Consumption
- PhD Thesis, Management
University of Montpellier - DEA, Management
IAE Montpellier - MSG, Management
ISEM (formerly Montpellier Management) - DUT Techniques de Commercialisation, Commerce
IUT de Metz - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, University of Montpellier.