Member - AURIER Philippe


University of Montpellier

IAE, Bat 27,

Place Bataillon
34000 Montpellier


Disciplinary Group





Philippe Aurier is a marketing professor at the University of Montpellier.

recent publications

Aurier P. & Mejía V. (2021), The differing impacts of brand-line breadth and depth on customers' repurchasing behavior of frequently purchased packaged goods, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 1244-1266.

Mejía V., Aurier P., Huaman-Ramirez R. (2021) Disentangling the respective impacts of assortment size and alignability on perceived assortment variety, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 

Aurier P., Mejía V. (2020) The interplay of brand-line assortment size and alignability in the sales of brand-lines and line-extensions of frequently purchased products, Journal of Business Research, 118, C, 163-175.

Aurier P. (2019), Marketing and cross fertilization, Introduction to the special issue (as a Guest Editor), Research and Applications in Marketing, 34, 3, 3-6 .


Aurier P. and Sirieix L. (2016), Marketing de l'agroalimentaire : Environnement, stratégies et plans d'action, 3rd edition, Dunod, 442 pages.

Aurier Ph, Pratique des études de marché, Outils du diagnostic marketing, Economica, 2007, 201 pages.

Functions and searches   

He is co-leader of the A2P3 program - Governance, Market Strategies and Sustainable Performance - at LabEx Entreprendre, and director of the MAE specialization and the Product Manager course within the Marketing Department.

In terms of his research, he also contributed as a member of the Psychology and Marketing editorial board from 2015 to 2020. His recent articles cover consumer loyalty, relationship marketing, brand and brand strategies, marketing and brand performance, marketing and finance. His most important areas of investigation are agri-food and cultural marketing.


1990: PhD at HEC (France), under the supervision of Prof. Yves Evrard.

1991: HDR UM