Member - EGGRICKX Ariel



Disciplinary Group 

Accounting and Company


Ariel EGGRICKX is an Associate Professor.

recent publications

Eggrickx A., Camous B., Guérin L, (2022), Public water service under public management: towards effective governance?, Gestion & Management Public, 10(4), 9-27.

Camous B., Guérin L., Eggrickx A (2022), Systèmes de contrôle de gestion et conflits de logiques : le cas de la gestion de l'eau en régie, Revue Management & Avenir, 132(6): 133-154.

Mawadia A., Eggrickx A., Chapellier P. (2019), Transformation du symbolique pour l'appropriation
d'un ERP, Systèmes d'Information et Management, 24(4), 57-92,

Commeiras N., Eggrickx A., Georgescu I. (2019), Change, uncertainty and quality of life at
work: the case of a grouping of medical biology laboratories, @GRH, 2(31), 35-63,

Mawadia A., Eggrickx A., Chapellier P. (2019). Organizational creativity: a contribution to
collective bricolage, Management International, 24(1), 140-153.

Domingo, H., Eggrickx, A., Naro, G., Bourret, R. (2018). Time Driven Activity Based Costing
(TDABC), a costing model adapted to the chronic disease care pathway? Case
of the stroke care pathway. Revue Gestion & Management
Public, 6 (1), 71-93.

Mawadia A., Eggrickx A., Chapellier P. (2018) Integrated software deployment and management
innovation: a bricolage perspective Bricolage. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 35 (1), 1-26.

Mawadia A., Chapellier P., Eggrickx A. (2016). ERP and the controller's activity profile:
a step-by-step evolution?


Mawadia A., Eggrickx A. (2023). Crises and Resource Scarcity and Adaptability: Toward a Multi-level Bricolage. In Juul Andersen Torben Eds, Responding to Uncertain Conditions: New Research on Strategic Adaptation, Emerald Publishing Limited: 157-179. doi:10.1108/978-1-80455-964-220231008

Eggrickx A., Mazars-Chapelon A. (2022). Émotions, In Benzerafa-Alilat M., Lamarque D. and Orange G. (Eds),Encyclopédie du management public, Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique: 283-284.

Commeiras N., Eggrickx A. (2022). Qualité de vie au travail, In Benzerafa-Alilat M., Lamarque D. and Orange G. (Eds), Encyclopédie du management public, Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique: 563-564.

Eggrickx, A., & Maurand-Valet, A. (2022). Le bénévolat, vecteur de résilience. In Reporting et pilotage des organisations pour une société résiliente (Chap. 9). EMS Éditions.

Eggrickx, A. (2020). Sensemaking: a lever for change in hospitals? In Approches critiques des organisations(Chap. 19). EMS Editions.

Eggrickx, A., Guérin-Schneider, L., Domingo, H., Colon, M., & Camous, B. (2018). Extra-accounting methods to make the invisible value of public service visible. The case of hospitals and delegated water utilities. In Comptabilités et Société (Chap. 5). EMS Éditions.

Rascol-Boutard, S., Eggrickx, A., & Amans, P. (2018). The impasse of public and private accounting: making the commons visible. In Comptabilités et Société (Chap. 6). EMS Éditions.

Ahyee, S. J., Domingo, H., & Eggrickx, A. (2018). Are the accounting professions under threat by 2050? In Comptabilités et Société (Chap. 4). EMS Éditions.

functions and research

She is a scientific advisor to the Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (Hcéres).

His research explores intra- and inter-organizational interactions as sites for the exercise of control in public organizations and networks. 


2006 HDR UM 2.
1998 PhD student UM 2 under the supervision of Professor Yves Dupuy.