Member - FOURNIER Christophe


IAE Montpellier 

Building 29
Place Eugène Bataillon
34 095 Montpellier



Disciplinary Group 




Christophe FOURNIER is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Institut d'Administration des Entreprises, University of Montpellier.   

recent publications

Fournier C, Weeks W, Robert C and Chonko L (2012) Polychronicity and Scheduling's Role in Reducing Role Stress and Enhancing Sales Performance , conditional acceptance for publication in Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.

Fournier C (2012), La prise en compte des motivations des élèves soignants : éléments clés d'un recrutement et d'une fidélisation réussis, Journal d'Economie Médicale, under press

Hollet-Haudebert, S, Fournier C, JP Mulki (2011), Neglected burnout dimensions: effects of depersonalisation and personal non accomplishment on organizational commitment of salespeople, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 31, (4), 411-429.

Poujol J, Fournier C and Tanner, JF, (2011), Compliance Versus Preference: Understanding Salesperson Response To Contests, Journal of Business Research, 64, 7, 664-671.

Cases, AS, Fournier C, Dubois PL and Tanner JF, (2010), Website Spillover to Email Campaigns: The Role of Privacy, Trust and Shoppers' Attitude, (2010), Journal of Business Research, 63, 10, 993-999.

Fournier C, Tanner JF, L Chonko and Manolis, C (2010), The Moderating Role of Ethical Climate on Salesperson Propensity To Leave, 2010, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 30 (1), 7-22.


Fournier C, Poujol F (2011), Chapter 11, "Sales Force Recruitment and Selection" in Sales Management, Coordinated by Paolo Guenzi and Susi Geiger, Palgrave Macmillan, 281-305.

Commerias N, Loubes A and Fournier C (2009), Chapter "Implication des managers de rayon dans l'organisation : Vers une typologie", in Le Management des ressources humaines dans la grande distribution, coordonné par C Vignon, Edition Vuibert, Paris, 125-140

Fournier C (1999) Chapter " Force de vente ", in Encyclopédie Universaelis, Version sous Cd Rom, 24 pages.

Commeiras N et Fournier C (2006), Chapter "La force de vente : un cas exemplaire de rotation du personnel", Encyclopédie des Ressources Humaines, 2nd edition, 530 - 536. Coordination J. Allouche, Edition Vuibert, 530- 598.

C Fournier, Vauquois E (1998), "Intérêt et méthodologie de la méta-analyse : une illustration menée dans le domaine des forces de vente sur la relation " intention de quitter l'entreprise-roulement du personnel ". In Chapter 2, Faire de la recherche en marketing? Edition Vuibert, directed by Professor B.Pras, 66-77

functions and research

His research focuses on sales force management, direct marketing and e-commerce. 


1997 Agrégation ("1er concours") in Management Sciences.

1994 PhD in Management Sciences, Montpellier 2 University.

1989 ENS Cachan and Agrégation in Economics and Management.