Member - MESSEGHEM Karim

Montpellier Management
Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire
34 000 Montpellier
Office B409
Disciplinary Group
Karim MESSEGHEM is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at the University of Montpellier.
- Messeghem K., C. Theodoraki and E. Carayannis (2023), "Pour une modélisation de l'écosystème entrepreneurial sous forme de sous-écosystèmes : Apport de l'approche des systèmes complexes adaptatifs", Management International. (HCERES A / CNRS 3 / FNEGE 2)
- Douaihy C., K. Messeghem, W. Nakara, D. Audretsch (2022), "Entrepreneurship and poverty in developed countries: a systematic review, synthesis, and future research directions", International Journal Entrepreneurship and Small Business (HCERES C / CNRS 4 / FNEGE 4)
- Messeghem K. and L. Cloutier (2022), "Evolution of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: towards a configurational triptych", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat,.
Boumedjaoud D. and K. Messeghem and A. Khedhaouria (2022), "Do external successors influence the entrepreneurial orientation of small businesses? The roles of self-efficacy, creativity, and entrepreneurial alertness", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat. (HCERES A / CNRS 4 / FNEGE 2) - Cohard P. and K. Messeghem (2022), "A Measurement Scale for Agile Orientation", Systèmes d'Information et Management, Vol. 27, n°1, pp. 39-66.
- Cloutier L. and K. Messeghem (2021), "Whirlwind model of entrepreneurial ecosystem path dependence", Small Business Economics (HCERES A / CNRS 2 / FNEGE 2).
- Banc C. and K. Messeghem (2020), "Discovering the entrepreneurial micro-ecosystem: The case of a corporate accelerator", Thunderbird International Business Review. C/4/4
- Boumedjaoud D. and K. Messeghem (2020), "Stratégie repreneuriale et performance en PME: rôle du mentorat dans la reprise externe", Revue Française de Gestion. A/3/2
- Boumedjaoud D. and K. Messeghem (2020), "Vigilance entrepreneuriale du repreneur externe et mentorat : rôle de l'accompagnement en amont", Revue Internationale PME. B/4/3
- Messeghem K, Sammut S, Temri L, St-Jean E (2020) Les mutations de l'accompagnement entrepreneurial, Revue Française de Gestion, Lavoisier, Vol 46, p. 59-67
- Theodoraki C., Messeghem K, Audretsch D (2020) The Effectiveness of Incubators' Co-Opetition Strategy in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Empirical Evidence From France, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Cohard P, Messeghem K (2020) Agilité et innovation, Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, Presses des Mines, Vol 10, p. 58-70
- Banc C., Messeghem K., (2021), The proliferation of corporate accelerators within entrepreneurial ecosystem: the process of entrepreneurial ecosystemic institutional work. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Online, Jul 2021.
- Banc C., Messeghem K., (2021), Entrepreneurs' perception of entrepreneurial ecosystem legitimacy: the case of corporate gas pedals. 3rd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship Financing, Online, December 2021.
- Banc C., Messeghem K., (2021), Perception de la légitimité écosystémique entrepreneuriale par les entrepreneurs : le cas des accélérateurs corporate. Université d'Eté sur la Légitimité Entrepreneuriale, Online, July 2021.
- Héral M., Messeghem K., Catanzaro A. (2021), Internal environmental orientation and international performance of SMEs: the role of support and cooperation, In Congrès du RIODD, Montpellier, September 30 - October 1.
- Banc C, Messeghem K (2020) The rise of corporate accelerators within entrepreneurial ecosystem: in search of entrepreneurial ecosystemic legitimacy, RENT
- Cloutier L, Karim Messeghem (2020) A whirlwind model of the path dependence of entrepreneurial ecosystems: The cases of Montpellier and Toulouse, EURAM
- Douaihy C, Messeghem K, Nakara W (2020) Entrepreneurship and poverty in developed countries: A systematic literature review and research agenda, RENT Conference 2020
Functions :
- Co-director of the Master 1 & 2 Entrepreneurial Coaching program
- Co-director of Master 1 & 2 Intrapreneurial and Digital Project Management
- Co-director of the EMBA SME Growth Strategy.
- Director of the Business Management DU.
Research :
- Entrepreneurial ecosystem.
- Business opportunity.
- SME strategy.
2005: Agrégation du supérieur
1999: PhD en Sciences de Gestion