
Montpellier Management

Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire

34 000 Montpellier

Office B515


Disciplinary Group 

Accounting and Company



Sophie GIORDANO-SPRING is Professor of Management Sciences at the Institut Montpellier Management.

recent publications
  • Garcia-Torea N., Giordano-Spring S., Larrinaga C., and Riviere-Giordano G. (2021). Accounting for Carbon Emission Allowances: An Empirical Analysis in the EU ETS Phase 3. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, pages 1-23, HCERES C FNEGE 4 CNRS 4
  • David B., Giordano-Spring (2021). "Climate Reporting Related to the TCFD Framework: An Exploration of the Air Transport Sector." Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, December,1-20. HCERES C FNEGE 4 CNRS 4
  • Senn, J. and Giordano-Spring, S. (2020), "The limits of environmental accounting disclosure: enforcement of regulations, standards and interpretative strategies", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal,.
  • Giordano-Spring S. and Travaillé D. (2018), "Le double récit d'une chaine logistique multi-acteurs : entre performativité et encastrement local", Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, N°125, 177-207. - CNRS 4
  • Rivière-Giordano, G., Giordano-Spring, S., & Cho, C. H. (2018). Does the level of assurance statement on environmental disclosure affect investor assessment: An experimental study. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(3), 336 360. - CNRS 3
  • Giordano-Spring S., Naro G. (Eds) (2018), Reporting, Innovations et Société, Editions EMS, Paris.
  • Giordano-Spring S, Pierrot-Platet F, (2018) Is International Accounting based on a conception of the firm? La révision du cadre conceptuel IFRS à l'aune des théories comptables, Comptabilités et Société entre représentation et construction du monde, Editions EMS Management et Société.
  • Giordano-Spring S. and Rivière-Giordano G. (2018), "Carbon accounting: between innovation and standardization difficulties",
  • Giordano- Spring S. and Naro G., Reporting, Innovations et Société, EMS Management & Société, 85-102.
  • Giordano-Spring S. and Pierrot-Platet F. (2018), "Is international accounting based on a conception of the firm? La révision du cadre conceptuel IFRS à l'aune des théories comptables" in Chapellier P. et al, Comptabilités et Société, Editions EMS.
  • Giordano-Spring S. and Rivière-Giordano G. (2018), "La comptabilité carbone: entre innovation et difficulté de normalisation", in Giordano-Spring S. and Naro G., Reporting, Innovations et Société, EMS Management & Société, 85-102.
functions and research

She is co-director of the Sustainability, Accounting & Reporting (SCORE) Chair and head of the EDBA program at HEEC Marrakech.

His research focuses on accounting regulations and social and environmental reporting.


Habilitation to supervise research (HDR, 2002)

Ecole Normale Supérieure de CACHAN.