Member - PALPACUER Florence

Montpellier Management
Espace Richter - Rue Vendémiaire
34 000 Montpellier
Office B425
Disciplinary Group
Florence PALPACUER is a management lecturer at the University of Montpellier (MOMA).
- Baileche, L., Marais, M. Palpacuer, F. (2024) Tensions Between Local Embeddedness and Scaling up: Insights from Grassroots Sustainability Initiatives in the Renewable Energy Transition, Organization & Environment, Special Issue: The Role of Place in Sustainability:1-26, online first.
- Roglic., M., Palpacuer, F., Lacerda, D. (2024) Playing the scales: A strategy adopted by resistance coalitions for public value creation, accepted in Organization.
- Palpacuer, F., Roussey, C. (2023) Entangling global chains of wealth and value through CSR-ization: A critical Polanyian perspective on Weda Bay Nickel, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, online first, August31st,
- Roussey, C., Balas, N., Palpacuer, F.(2022), "Political CSR initiatives as levers of marginalisation: the disconnect between representatives and the so-called represented in the mining industry", Critical Perspectives on International Business, 18(1): 31-49.
- Ramboarisata, L., Germain, O., Palpacuer, F., Perret, V., Taskin, L. (2022) " Introduction au numéro thématique : Les écoles de gestion : objets de la critique, mais aussi actrices de la résistance et de la (leur) transformation ", Management International, 26(5) : 13-33.
- Palpacuer, F., Seignour, A. (2020) "Resisting via hybrid spaces: The cascade effect of a workplace struggle against neo-liberal hegemony", Journal of Management Inquiry, 29(4) 418-432.
- Gaidos, A., Palpacuer, F., Balas, N. (2018) Social Innovation as practice: exploring the entanglement of political and managerial logics, International Journal of Work Innovation, 2(2-3).
- Palpacuer, F., Taskin, L., Gomez, P.-Y. (coord., 2022) L'entreprise comme communauté, Nouvelle Cité.
- Palpacuer, F. and Smith, A. (coord., 2021) Rethinking Value Chains: Tackling the challenges of global capitalism, Bristol University Press.
- Palpacuer, F., M. Leroy and G. Naro (coord., 2010) Management, Mondialisation, Ecologie: regards critiques en sciences de gestion, DS. Hermès Sciences-Lavoisier, 408 p.
- Palpacuer, F., Seignour A., Vercher C. (2007) Sorties de cadre(s) : le licenciement pour motif personnel, instrument de gestion de la firme mondialisée, La Découverte, Collection Entreprise et Société, 234 p.
- Desreumaux, A., M. Marchesnay & F. Palpacuer (coord. 2001) Perspectives en management stratégique, Tome VII, 1999-2000, DS. Management et Société.
Functions :
- Master 2 Management of Organizations and Responsible Development.
- Master 2 in Management Research and Studies.
Research :
- Responsibilities within the Montpellier Research Management laboratory (MRM, EA 4557), University of Montpellier
Co-leader of the thematic group Organizations and societal changes, (dir. Anne Mione, 2019 - )
Member of the Laboratory's Scientific Advisory Board (2014-2019)
Head of the AlterManagement group, codir. Maya Leroy (2007 - 2018)
Coordinator of the Sustainable Development cross-function (2011-2014)
Leadership of the Corporate Social Responsibility and Critical Perspectives in Management collective (2005-2006)
Elected member of the Board of the Montpellier Doctoral School of Economics and Management (2005-2007)
- Responsibilities within LABEX Entreprendre (2011-2025)
Member of the Executive Committee
Co-Head of the Responsible Management and Entrepreneurship Chair (MER), with Gérald Naro (since 2011) and Jean-Marie Courrent (since 2019)
Co-Head of the Standards, Innovation and Responsible Management program
With Edmond Baranes and Sophie Spring (since 2019)
Co-leaderof the Observatoire du Développement Durable en PMEprogram with Jean-Marie Courrent and Olivier Torres (2011-2019)
Labex Entreprendre representative on the management committee of the Unesco Chair in World Food, Montpellier SupAgro (2013-2016)
PhD N.R. in Management Sciences.