Member - GERBAIX Sylvie
Sylvie GERBAIX is a teacher-researcher, HDR, at the University of Aix-Marseille and the University of Montpellier.
recent publications
Gerbaix, S., & Michel, S. (2024). Jean-Louis Le Moigne and the Paradigm of Auto-eco-re-organization or eco-systemic self-organization: Navigating Managerial Complexity. Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique, 2024/1 (n° 37).
Cucchi, A., Fuhrer, C., & Gerbaix, S. (2024). Systems and meaning: Building the meaning that builds us. Projectics / Proyéctica / Projectique, 2024/1 (n° 37).
Michel, S., Gerbaix, S., & Bidan, M. (2023). Ethical questioning of algorithmic systems. RIMHE: Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise, 2023/1 (n° 50, Vol. 12).
Michel, S., Gerbaix, S., & Bidan, M. (2022). De la résilience d'une chaîne logistique humanitaire en temps de crise sanitaire majeure: conceptualisation à partir du cas MSF Logistique. Management & Avenir, 2022/6 (N° 132).
Faour, G., Fenianos, O., Khater, C., Gerbaix, S., & Fenianos, J. (2020). Green Buildings and Smart Cities. Management of Organizational Technologies, 2020/2 (No. 11).
Bou Saba, M., & Gerbaix, S. (2013). Actor-network theory, collective intelligence and agricultural cooperatives. Management of organizational technologies, 2013/1 (No. 3).
Gerbaix, S., Fallery, B., & Ologeanu, R. (2011). Choosing videoconferencing for professional training? Decision-makers' strategic analysis. Management & Avenir, 2011/5 (n° 45).
- Gerbaix S., Pasquet M. (2023) "Management des systèmes d'information - Cas pratiques", Énoncés, 162 p., Corrigés 108 p., Éditions Corroy, Septembre 2023.
- Gerbaix S. (2023) "Management et contrôle de gestion - Cas pratiques", Énoncés 126 p. - Corrigés 102 p., Éditions Corroy, September 2023.
- Gerbaix S., Pasquet M., (2020) " Architecture et sécurité des Systèmes d'information "- "Hôpital Sinouhé - Alerte au virus ". Chapter V p.172-188 in "Cas en management des systèmes d'information", edited by Cécile Godé and Marc Bidan, Editions EMS Management et Société, November 2020. ISBN 978-2-37687-409-6. Labellisé par la FNEGE dans la catégorie " Manuel Enseignement Supérieur ".
- Gerbaix, S., & Elie-Dit-Cosaque, C. (2018). XII. Daniel Robey - An Odyssey of research on the links, deterministic or emergent, woven between information and communication technologies and organizational transformations. In Les Grands Auteurs en Systèmes d'information. EMS Editions.
- Gerbaix S., (2006), "Le contrôle de gestion", DS. PUF, Collection "Que sais-je?", 120 p. 2nd edition 2006.
functions and research
His research focuses on the dynamics of the organizational emergence of information and communication systems, their evaluation, implications, challenges and risks.
PhD in Management Sciences.
Habilitation to direct research.